Disclaimer: These workout templates are for educational purpose. If you are using them, you are using them at your own risk!
Start getting stronger every day NOW!
You can use these FREE WORKOUT PLANS as you like or combine them, to get more health and more strength.

Chest Expander Basic
The exercises are performed like a circle training. You are rotating through the exercises.
Each day has to be done 2-3 times to complete. Try to do as many repetitions as possible of each exercise and adjust the resistance.
If you are capable of doing 15 reps of one exercise, try more resistance.
Day A
- Lateral Raise
- Hammer Curls
- Military Press
- Front Chest Pull
- Back Press
Day B
- Chest Press
- Overhead Downward Pull (front)
- Biceps Curl
- Shoulder Press
- Overhead Downward Pull (back)

Bodyweight Exercises
Breathing Ladder
- Burpee
- Pull Up
How to: Do the set amount of reps of both exercises (10 for the first round), then take 10 deep breaths. Do the set amount of reps of the round (9 for the second round), then take 9 deep breaths. Continue until you finish with one long and deep breath.
- Thruster
- Chin Up
How to: Do the set amount of reps of both exercises (1 for the first round), then rest as needed. Do the set amount of reps of the next round (2 for the second round, 3 for the third round, and go on). Continue until you finished the workout.
- 10/10 Swings
- 10/10 Renegade Rows
- 10/10 Step Ups
- 5/5 Power Over
- 5 Push Press
- 10 Roll Outs (alt. 5 Inch Worm)
AMRAP = As Many Repetitions As Possible (or As Many Rounds As Possible)
10/10 = 10 reps per arm or leg or side (10 left and 10 right)
Choose a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells you can use for all movements. Try to go heavy. I would take a pair of 32 kg kettlebells.

Start Running Today
If you have never run before, start with walking for 2-3 weeks, except for the Sprints. Then move on to a very slow jog for 2-3 weeks, before attempting to run. Your tissues need to adept to this new movement and the adaption takes 6-8 week. So better start slow than risking an injury.
Day A
- 40′ Easy Run or Run/Walk
Choose a pace you can comfortably hold for way longer than 40 min.
Day B
- 5′ Easy Run/Walk
- 30 sec All Out Run/Sprint
- 5 Rounds
Day C
- 40′ Easy Run or Run/Walk
Choose a pace you can comfortably hold for way longer than 40 min.
Getting the most of it
This is a sample plan you can use to get stronger and faster.
Monday | Chest Expander Day A |
Tuesday | Bodyweight |
Wednesday | Running Day A |
Thursday | Chest Expander Day B |
Friday | Bodyweight |
Saturday | Running Day B |
Sunday | optional Running Day C |